
Lead ammunition . . . again

Lead ammunition . . . again

Evidence is mounting (really, has already mounted) that lead bullets contaminate the carcasses of animals shot with them. I'm not discussing bird shot, but bullets used from rifles on terrestrial animals. Research shows that microscopic fragments tear free from the bullet and are found over a large portion of the carcass (i.e., they are not just restricted to the bullet wound). These fragments, which can number in the hundreds, are being passed on to the consumers when they eat the meat and are exposing them to a very toxic metal. It's time for awareness and a change. The entire blog article is available at the link below (and there is nothing to buy, no tracking, no selling your information, it is merely where I post my blogs).

Why You Should Consume Seafood ... Despite the Warnings

Why You Should Consume Seafood ... Despite the Warnings

Many people have read the dire warnings about the health consequences of consuming fish and shellfish.  These admonishments usually center on mercury contamination—most of which is produced by coal-fired facilities, chlorine production, and mining—which is converted to an organic form of mercury (methylmercury) by the action of various aquatic micro-organisms.  This organic form of mercury comes to be located in marine animals and bioaccumulates as one ascends the trophic ladder as progressively larger animals consume smaller ones.  Mercury is a real threat because it is linked to cognitive impacts in children (e.g., loss of IQ points, problems with attention, decreased memory function) and various health effects in adults (e.g., cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease).  People are frequently told (through various media) to limit fish consumption to prevent mercury poisoning.