Pictured is one of the plants that provided our morning meal of common blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis) fruits. These fruits are delicious, sweet, crunchy (yes, crunchy, read on), and extremely nourishing.
The Hoax of BPA-Free Labeling
Dietary Diversity: The Forgotten "Vitamin" in Successful Diets
Dear Mark Sisson: Where Paleo Recommendations Stand in Contradiction to Real World Observations
Dear Mark Sisson,
I came across your article entitled “Why Grains Are Unhealthy” that was published on the Huffington Post (shared on Primal Docs). For those of you that missed it, it is posted here. It is a nice article that presents some important information many are unaware of.
How Kinds of Plants Stack Up for Health
Coconut Water and it's "Green Packaging"
Coconut water and its commonly used “green packaging” (the Tetra Pak) is not the health conscious choice that it is made out to be—not for the consumer and not for the world. To be sure, there are far worse things on this planet, but in the same vein, there are better options for much of North America. Let me explain.
Breeding Nutrition Out of Plants
The Double Standard (of Foods)
Why We Should Question Information from the USDA
I am going to provide an example using raw milk. You may not like milk, you may not think people should drink milk, it may even be against your religion. None of that is being challenged here. This writing isn’t meant to convince you to drink milk. It is just an example of the faulty information being presented by an organization that is supposed to protect us and promote our health.