Walking the (Medicine) Talk

Walking the (Medicine) Talk

I found the black-legged tick on my body two days ago.  The problem with all of this, of course, is that this species of tick carries a spirochete (a kind of bacterium) called Borrelia burgdorferi that is responsible for Lyme Disease.

Why Do The Powerful Healing Plants Always Hail From Distant Lands?

Why Do The Powerful Healing Plants Always Hail From Distant Lands?

Briefly, eight people travel to the Amazon rain forest and spend one month with curanderos (similar in many respects to a shaman) to be healed of their ailments (ranging from depression to cancer).

The Incredible, Edible... Acorn

The Incredible, Edible... Acorn

Autumn is another season of the year when wild food is bountiful (and free for the gathering). Acorns, the fruit of the oak tree, are one of the important foods because they can be preserved (through drying), therefore providing a plant-based staple through the winter.

Why I Don’t Support Cancer Charities

Why I Don’t Support Cancer Charities

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  There is an abundance of requests for donations and pink ribbons everywhere you turn.  One of the things I like about this month is people across the country come together (as a big community) to try to help those who are suffering from breast cancer.