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North Maine Woods Spring Lake Fishing

This is an opportunity to fish on a remote lake in extreme northwestern Maine with very minimal shoreline development (just a handful of camps). The lake is nearly 3000 acres in size and is 105 feet at its deepest point. It is a beautiful, boreal location that is home to black bear, moose, ruffed grouse, martin, and lynx. This lake, due to its depth and clean waters, harbors lake whitefish, lake trout, brook trout, and freshwater cusk (among other species). We have been fishing this lake for nearly a decade and have learned the locations for some of our favorite fish and can share wonderful stories around the campfire. Lake Whitefish, a northern relict that used to occur more abundantly in Maine, is still present in this lake is large numbers and often graces our table. If you have never eaten this wonderful fish, you are missing out on a delicacy. The lake trout in this water body are typically over 4 pounds. When successful, we make a fantastic meal from the fish that I can promise will be worth the trip. As with all trips from the Delta Institute, this is an educational experience in human ecology (i.e., it isn’t just about reeling in the fish). We will spend at least three days on the water trolling for members of the salmon family. The price for this four-day this trip is $750 dollars, and will include food, lodging, and guiding (with Maine Fishing Guide Arthur Haines).. Transportation will be the resp9onsiblilty of the participant (but we will travel together to avoid getting lost) and a valid Maine fishing license will be required. All necessary gear can be provided as well (and we assist getting set up with rods, line, and tackle if there is interest).. No experience is necessary. Reach out by email ( or phone (207-837-4920) if you are interested in participating. If you want to see an unspoiled part of Maine and be well away from large number of people fishing on a northern lake, this is a trip for you.