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Brotherhood of the Bear: a weekend-long exploration of masculinity

What does it mean to be a good man?  And does being a good man today mean that you are still embracing masculinity?  There are many questions we could ask, and the answers would depend on who you query.  Masculinity is utterly misunderstood, and has been trampled by human domestication, urban living, feminism, and societal docility.  Most authors who provide guidance on masculinity are, without realizing, accepting various paradigms that are not in line with our biological norms.  In other words, they accommodate concepts like alpha and beta males (they support hierarchy), making large amounts of money at the expense of others (they support inequality), man against nature (they support anthropocentrism), or considering mature human traits like integrity, honesty, kindness, or punctuality to be part of the definition of maleness (they support ungendered futures).  This is a weekend-long gathering of men for men.  It will discuss a number of topics imperative for understanding masculinity in the context of egalitarian honor codes.  Ideals like “providing” and “protecting” will also be a focus, especially in the context of unstable politics and economics, with multiple low-impact classes on combatives for mastery of fighting (these will be provided at a level appropriate for each attendee).  Part of the weekend will also be dedicated to understanding male-female conflict that can lead to separation and strategies for recovering difficult situations (as a tactic for keeping families intact).  If you have ever wanted an unapologetic exploration of the divine masculine or a truly understanding place for discussing the threats facing manliness and how to navigate them, this is a gathering for you.  The event will include guided discussions, activities, personal challenges, and functional play (it will be serious at times and entertaining at others).  It will be guided primarily by Arthur Haines, a male, like many in this society, who has made all the mistakes and learned through difficult trials to create successes through a fusion of masculinity from the study of hunter-gatherer lifeways with contemporary teachers.  Come and let us celebrate men and the gifts they offer through the realization of this divine human archetype.

All meals are included for the weekend . They are entirely organic/pastured and wild. Expect omnivorous fare with a balanced mix of plant and animal offerings, some lactofermented vegetables, and raw dairy.

Some locations may be visited off site so please be prepared to carpool short distances from the property.  Bring footwear for uneven ground, and proper clothing for whatever the weather may be on that day. Camping is available on site.

Price is $395.00 and class is limited to 12 students.

Class begins at 6:00 pm on Friday and ends at 12:00 pm on Sunday.

Please specify which class you are registering for in the "instructions to merchant" section of the PayPayl checkout.

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Registration policies for classes offered exclusively through the Delta Institute of Natural History are found here.  Be sure to read them, as your ability to get a refund (if needed) is explained in them.