Botanical Notes is an irregularly published newsletter, typically 4–6 pages in length, that is dedicated to dispersing new information that affects field taxonomy primarily in New England.  The new information principally relates to taxonomy, but may also include phytogeography, ecology, and conservation.  Botanical Notes utilizes text, identification keys, color images, illustrations, and references.  It is distributed to a number of major botanical libraries and new names published within qualify as effectively published.  Left click the hyperlinks to download the available issues of Botanical Notes (Adobe PDF format, best viewed with Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later, download for free at

Number 1—Notes on Bolboschoenus in Maine

Number 2—Clarifying the taxonomy of Salicornia sensu lato of the Northeastern United States; Taxonomy and distribution of Acorus in Maine

Number 3—The Juncus bufonius complex in Maine; Elymus macgregorii, a recently described wild-rye of eastern United States

Number 4—Identification and taxonomy of two difficult maritime hybrids with Carex paleacea

Number 5—Identification and ecology of rare Chenopodium in Maine

Number 6Juncus anthelatus and its identification in Maine; Taxonomy of the Cypripedium parviflorum complex in Maine

Number 7—Clarifying the generic concepts of Aster sensu lato in New England

Number 8—Taxonomy of Viola subsinuata in New England;  Identification of Lycopodium lagopus

Number 9—The taxonomic status of Bidens heterodoxa; Identification of Caulophyllum giganteum

Number 10—New combination in Poa

Number 11—New combination in Eupatorium

Number 12—An emended description and possible origin of Lycopodiella subappressa (Lycopodiaceae); Reassessment of the taxonomy of Ranunculus hispidus

Number 13 (and addendum)—New combinations in the New England tracheophyte flora (note:  Number 13 and its addendum should be viewed together)

Number 14—A new name and status for Carex scoparia var. tessellata (Cyperaceae)

Number 15—A new genus for Panax trifolius; Four new combinations in the Pontederiaceae; Elymus macgregorii var. hirsutispiculus, a new variety of early wild-rye

Number 16—First report of Symphyotrichum anticostense × S. novi-belgii from the United States; Oshuna, a new genus for water-hyacinth

Number 17Viola ×lesmehrhoffii, a new violet hybrid from the northeastern United States; A new combination in Elymus

Number 18—A new combination in Palustricodon (Campanulaceae); New combinations in Oxytropis (Fabaceae); New combinations in Micranthes pensylvanica (Saxifragaceae); Hudsonia ×spectabilis (Cistaceae), a hybrid false heather needing an effective name

Number 19—A new combination in Koeleria (Poaceae); The variety of northern Houstonia longifolia (Rubiaceae); New combinations in Convolvulus (Convolvuluaceae); A new status for Carex crinita var. brevicrinis (Cyperaceae)