***This class if full and registrations are no longer being accepted***
(Offered in conjunction with the New England Wild Flower Society)
Tumbledown Mountain is a rugged peak near the village of Weld in western Maine. Its outline is impressive due to three bald peaks and two south-facing cliffs over 200 meters high. In addition to its stunning views, Tumbledown Mountain holds a high elevation pond between two of its peaks. Perhaps the best part of the mountain: all of this ruggedness is accessible via an approximately two-mile trail that avoids all steep climbing and scrambling. Participants on this field trip (weather allowing) will be guided through several different ecosystems, including the open peaks that harbor a special subalpine flora and species of conservation concern. This will not be exclusively a plant identification field trip (though that will be one focus on the day), birding, edible plants and medicinal plants, and geology will all be on the docket for the day. Tumbledown Mountain is well known as a great birding location and has been a peregrine falcon eyrie in recent years. It is also one of only a handful of locations to observe Paronychia argyrocoma (silvery whitlow-wort) in the state. In addition to all of this, it supports many useful plants that are enjoyable to gather and benefit our health. Join Research Botanist Arthur Haines, who lived two months near the summit of Tumbledown Mountain releasing peregrine falcons, for a naturalist’s and forager’s view of this very special mountain. As the ground is uneven and mountain weather is fickle, proper footwear and clothing is necessary. Participants will need to bring their own lunch and water (several wild water sources are available during the course of the day), hand lens for viewing plants, and binoculars (if desired) for birding. The trip will run from 10:00 am to approximately 4:00 pm and is limited to 14 participants. The price is 40.00 dollars for non-members and 33.00 dollars for members (of the NEWFS). If you are interested in enrolling for this class, call 508-877-7630 extension 3303 or email lreed@newenglandwild.org.